Snares, Slides & SuppliesWe offer a variety of snares from Dakotaline Snares, as well as snare parts for the trapper who wants to make their own snares or slides.
Trapping SuppliesOffering a full line of trapping supplies including tools, accessories and more. Our specialty products include Volkers Wire Cubbies, Dispatch Systems & Cookie Cutter Trap Bedder.
Dunlap’s Brutal Lure is a bobcat lure that is great all year, but really shines in the winter. It is made with the highest quality ingredients that attract bobcats and pulls them off their line of travel to your sets.
Dunlap’s Brutal Lure is a bobcat lure that is great all year, but really shines in the winter. It is made with the highest quality ingredients that attract bobcats and pulls them off their line of travel to your sets.