Snares, Slides & SuppliesWe offer a variety of snares from Dakotaline Snares, as well as snare parts for the trapper who wants to make their own snares or slides.
Trapping SuppliesOffering a full line of trapping supplies including tools, accessories and more. Our specialty products include Volkers Wire Cubbies, Dispatch Systems & Cookie Cutter Trap Bedder.
It doesn’t get any ‘minkier’ than this lure. A heavy paste mink gland base with a couple minky additives that really produce. An excellent attractant for late season coon, and as a change-up on the fox, coyote, and bobcat trapline.
It doesn’t get any ‘minkier’ than this lure. A heavy paste mink gland base with a couple minky additives that really produce. An excellent attractant for late season coon, and as a change-up on the fox, coyote, and bobcat trapline.